Saturday 12 December 2009

Front Cover Planning

I have produced a Microsoft Word document to experiment with the layout of the front cover page.I have chosen this design because it's typical and responds to the conventions of existing music magazine.The main image will be a mid-shot positioned centrally onto the A4 page.All the sell lines will be positioned either on the left or the right side of the paper.At the bottom of the page will be two small scale posters of Radiohead and Jack Savoretti(JS) that would aimed at persuading the viewer to buy the magazine.

One feature of my magazine that challenges typical magazines is that each issue will contain a lyrics contest which asks the audience to send lyrics to the magazine.The best lyrics will be turned into e song performed by the feature celebrity in the issue.This is a great idea because fans will feel engaged fans in their favourite celebrity's music career and will also increase Nirvana's 'ratings'. The front cover will look interesting, colourful but kept realistic, which means that I would not alter images too much and prevent the effect of unobtainable false reality.The pictures should be kept realistic so that readers feel closer to their favourite musicians. The front cover will not look too commercial because this would repel my target audience which is 20-25 aged real music lovers.

This is a photograph of a girl whose style is so unique and interesting.I saw her giving out leaflets at Camden.I was so lucky to have me camera on me.I asked the girl if I could take a picture of her for my media studies and she agreed.The picture is perfect for a front cover because it's a mid shot which will be perfectly positioned centrally on my front cover page.The picture is of a very good quality and is suitable for a front cover central image because it has strong eye contact and is related to alternative rock music.The style of the girl-her hair,make up and clothing, is related to the music genre of Nirvana.The picture was not initially planned neither the model's clothing and style.However this does not make the picture any less perfect or appropriate for Nirvana's cover. The girl from the picture would be called Amelia who is a rock singer.She would be the new artist featured in Nirvana's issue.


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