Tuesday 8 December 2009

Contents page

All of these pictures will be used in my contents page. All of the them are of high quality and are exposed and composed in an effective professional way.My aim is to create a well balanced,interesting and informative contents page that differs from the front cover as it consists of multiple photos instead of one central image.The contents page will outline the main features of the magazine such as featured articles and typical information (e.g. charts,upcoming gigs). The provided information would be used to keep the audience curious and interested in the magazine.

The pictures of the boy and the girl and the girl who is wearing a costume are original.I have taken them for the music magazine project.The first artists(the boy and the girl) are supposed to be twins who sing together.Their band is called One whole which suggests that they don't feel like different individuals and their lives are connected.When taking their pictures I made sure they look like rock artists.I have used dark make up, fluffy big hair style, appropriate clothing.I also drew a tattoo on the boy's arm which is actually an acoustic guitar.The pictures are positioned in a very similar way so that they can easily be put together.

The other pictures I have taken are of a girl whose hair is curly and red. I took most of the pictures on Halloween when she was dressed up like a witch.I really like the pictures because I used canon 30D which is a professional camera that gave me the perfect quality images.I warned the girl that I would be taking pictures of her to make sure her clothing was appropriate for the magazine.The pictures I have taken are all related to rock music because they show freedom, beauty and danger(e.i. the ones with the fire poi and the sword).She would be a new successful artist who loves good music.Her name is Killing Time which suggests that we don't have enough time and should not waste it by pretending we are something we aren't.The double page spread of the magazine will be dedicated to Killing time.

I will now move on into front cover planning.


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