Wednesday 25 November 2009

Outline of The magazine

It has been a week since I have posted the poll on my blog to gather peoples' preferences for a title of a new magazine. Over 70% of the people voted for Nirvana being the most suitable title for a music magazine. I agree with this because all the connotations of Nirvana match the "rock" music images in my head. The idea of freedom, power ,self-attainment and satisfaction has always been associated with the aim of Music because music is meant to help us find our way in life and achieve happiness and Independence. Nirvana is also one of the most popular rock bands.This brings up the hesitation of whether it is appropriate to use a rock band name for Title of a magazine.However we all know how successful Rolling Stone magazine is even though its likely that its named after a band called The rolling stones- the band that put the outlining of rock music. I am now going to research Rolling stone in order to check where it's name came from.

I have found out that the magazine was first published in 1967- five years after The Rolling Stones were formed.This suggests that that the band did not copy the name of the Magazine. I have also found out that the magazine is actually named after the 1948 Muddy Waters song of the same name. Taking into account Rolling Stone's history I think it would be reasonable to use Nirvana as a name for my magazine because Rolling Stone is one of the most memorable magazine and half of its success is rooted in its title connotations. People would always associate "rolling stone" phrase with something powerful and immortal.

Another aspect of my magazine is going to be the audience.I have decided not to go with my Survey results because the audience of 16-20 would be an unsure and inappropriate audience for such a serious and 'deep' magazine. I want to make sure you understand that my magazine is not going to be focused on rock and retro only.It would be focused on bands and artist who love music not because of money but because they find it helpful and inspiring.The magazine will be also featuring other genres of music and modern groups as long as their music is truthful and not too commercial. My decision is supported by the survey I have carried out early on in the project which indicated hat people are desperately missing real music.

Young adults 20-25 would be the perfect target audience for my magazine because they are neither too young or too old for this type of magazine. Teenagers' music preferences are not stabled because teenagers are quite young and unclear about their favourite music genre. On the other hand older people would prefer more intellectual genres of music such as classical,dance and lyrical ballads. My magazine would be directed to pupils aged 20-25, however it will include articles everyone.Younger people would be welcomed to read about new modern bands and older people would have the chance to be once again fascinated by Retro and Rock music. By not restricting my magazine style (e.g. modern and 'cool') it's likelier that more people are interested and buying the magazine.This means that more revenue would be earned and invested in the business.

To overcome the problems of digital magazines I will not create an Internet version of Nirvana. People who want to read the magazine will be only able to do so by buying it.However there will be a website of Nirvana where the magazine will be featured and advertised.This will get people interested in Nirvana and convince them to buy it. The website would also be the place where the audience can post their comments about articles, events or just an ordinary posts related to music or the magazine.The most interesting responses would be published in the magazine so that the audience can see real peoples' opinions which are not aimed at persuading them in order to make money. Another aspect of the website would be that there will be a place where the viewer can say what articles or magazine features they are interested in. These opinions would be used as improvement indications and objectives of Nirvana.Having a website where the audience can express their views challenges conventions of typical music magazines and would be very successful in satisfying and therefore attracting the consumers.


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